And had he not floundered in front of the country in the debate, the democrats would still be covering for him and propping him up. They don’t...
I see what you did there. So I guess Biden should resign now. If he’s not sharp enough to run, how can we be confident he’s sharp enough to finish...
People like you are part of the problem. Utter drivel!
in GA there actually is a law allowing a taxpayer to claim a dependent on a pre born child. I’m not sure how many other states have this provision.
Every year the past 3 or 4 years I tell myself the defense can’t get any worse. Yet every year it seems we do. I’m gonna stop telling myself that...
$200k seems like a bargain to me. Most concerning to me from that video was the weight he was pushing on those flies - looked like 20 pound dumbbells.
Dude - we played in three NY6 bowls in a row the last the 5 years. I’m not happy with the last 2 years either, but get your facts straight.
Really dumb use of TOs. Amazing how coaches making millions do stupid things like that. Needed all 3 time outs in case you miss the conversion.
I know plenty of people in college who could have written it, too. I’m not trying to make it personal with Jackson. I’m just stating your...
- not like that. I’m sure he told them his general sentiments and they polished it up for him. When is the last time you heard a current college...
No - but that’s not the writing of a 19 year old college football player.
The same people that probably told AR to change his nickname wrote that for Jackson. He may have directed it at LSU, but he definitely didn’t...