Insult to midgets!
I've seen flu b cases in children- not alot - more covid for sure
plenty of Trump groupies in New York...
they still going.. death will come...
so does Biden...
COVID-19 Linked to Increased Risk for Parkinson's Another possible long-term complication of covid 19. Letting this spread uncontrolled is...
Maybe not on the vaccine front- they tend to induce much stronger and longer lasting immunity than natural infection- like most vaccines that are...
No because they can turn positive anytime 14 days after exposure as Trump white house found out the hard way..
It's like Groundhog day- same crap over and over... people don't learn until someone close to them dies or is seriously ill. Look at what Chris...
according to louisvillegator more than 130000 die from lightning strikes each year? wow I did not know that- so informative