Obama and the Democrats had all three branches and a super majority in the Senate in 2008. They knew that there was a border crisis, social...
About the author from the Daily Kos, who shares your, and his, bias. Yet Another Thorough Take Down of-Serial Fabricator Seth Abramson...
For years the Democrats have said that Trump was an authoritarian who only tolerated sycophants and wouldn't listen to anyone. Now he's a wimp...
“A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money." Everett Dirkson, former Senate Minority Leader. By the way he died...
I didn't know who Halperin was so I googled him. 'Halprin previously had worked as the political director for ABC News, where he also served as...
You don't seem to want to insult anyone. H/t
My friend's son is an analyst for A&M. He was planning a trip to see his son and the bowl game. His son told him not to bother. He goes to all the...
Fact checkering doesn't exist. For instance, did politician say "X"? The only fact is yes or no. Was he joking? In what context? What is the...
Andy Borowitz, apparently an attempt at humor.
I don't really gamble but I won $450 on super bowl squares once. I had the correct numbers the next year but the teams were reversed.
I saw a map of the areas where inflation has hit hardest and where Trump made the most gains. It supports your contention.
What he's doing is ilegal. Charities, Churches and Politics | Internal Revenue Service Currently, the law prohibits political campaign...
Her writing "Bring a bucket and a mop for this w#+ a$$ p###v" tell me more about her moral acumen than her IQ. I have two daughters. Trump's...
I don't trust the political or moral acumen of someone best known for WAP.
Early voting doesn't predict results The early vote doesn't reliably predict results. Please Don’t Pay (Much) Attention to Early Voting Numbers
If I were a betting man I would have bet my house that Trump would lose in '16. Glad I don't bet. '16 proved to me that I don't any future in the...
SPURRIER FINALLY PULLS SHOTGUN OUT OF BAG – Orlando Sentinel It's behind a paywall but notice the title. Spurrier FINALLY pulls the shotgun out...
This frightened me. License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of More Than Just Cars These images were generated by AI-powered...
That vote Democrat thing might not work out. I work with a Haitian man. Who is a huge Trump supporter. A lot of them despise the Clintons. I...
Samford and ...?