Are you telling us--you won a game back in those days????? :devil: :ninja2:
2017 and a problem with the Hatters--hmmm...
Says event is about to begin and just playing the waiting music for me.
They are trying to keep our blood pressures down LOL
I agree in many ways--but Florida fans need to be like Texas, Miss St, and the corndogs--always in Omaha!! Even if there team isn't there :)
I only got to listen to Jeff call the top of the 9th and then Sully's comments. Sully was bothered by baserunning mistakes--so evidently @wingtee...
Judge who issued the ruling is a judge with senior status appointed by Ronald Reagan.
They have shortened the series--just plan to go for the whole thing. If the Gators for some reason don't make it there--use Omaha as a base and...
So does Andruw Jones! Most of the Athletic writers agree! Hopefully enough other voters concur!
It is good that they agree with us!!!!
They don't have the strong desire to win it all. Or honestly to even compete for it all. They are happy with winning seasons and a nice bowl.
I still occasionally get people saying f*** the Gators--all because of that one Outback Bowl plus Ferentz is just a bad coach so my dislike for...
A man that many should strive to emulate! Honest, hard working, intelligent, giving, caring, and decent! A combo that is exceedingly rare....
I had an interesting childhood--no dad in the picture (long story). The pastor (from whom I learned lots about being a pastor) of the church my...
I am thrilled that Iowa lost!!! Makes the off season far more enjoyable! Gators end the season with a win. Iowa State beats Miami. F$U,...
Some are career diplomats others are patronage positions. Even the career diplomats have to be confirmed by the Senate. As I understand---the...
With so many states not allowed to count pre-election day ballots until the polls close--it will take a couple of days to get through them all....
The windshield view---in the counties where I see the most patients (hospice chaplain) there are not nearly as many Trump signs as there had been...
We need to suffer with coaches we currently have until SS is gone. He has proved incapable of being a JF protege and choosing an obscure coach...
I know there are Gators involved--as a life long Braves fan I am thrilled to see the Mets lose!! Can't stand either team left in the hunt.