It's about time. Birthright Citizenship is one of the biggest mistakes this Country has ever made. This post makes it sound like it's mainly for...
How do we help these liberal white women that clearly suffer from mental disorders. How do we be nice to them but also let them know that their...
And come January, immediately free the political prisoners from January 6th. They are the biggest patriots and freedom fighters that this Country...
Well I'm back from the war room, after a long night. One of the best nights of my life to say the least!! Little bit of a hangover from the...
Well it's Election Day, and I am now prepared and here in my war room for the duration (no not an actual war room, but I have multiple TV's set up...
The title explains this topic really well. Yes I am very political and this is a political topic, but is one I hope is more of a general...
Except for of course the Nazi Kamala and her supporters, who have far more in common with Hitler. [MEDIA] This should be played every day until...
Now that we are clearly into early voting season, it's now a good time to bring up a controversial topic. Why is early voting truly even a thing...
Most talk of course is regarding the Presidential race, but for those of us who live in Florida on here, down ballot, how are you voting on the...