No one on / 2 outs B/B/B/Kc/B -Colasante walks
No one on / 1 out Kang grounds out to short
Top of the 4th B/Kc/B/B/F - Shulman flies out to right
Man on 2B / 2 outs B/B - Yost flies out to right 0/1/0/1 Gators 6-0
Man on 1B / 1 out Balk moves runner to 2B (I can hear the crowd “balk”ing like chickens)/B/B - Heyman flies out to center
Nope - they scored it a hit Man on 1B / 0 outs B/B/F - Cyr pops out to 2B
Bottom of the 3rd B - Stripling reaches on E4
Man on 1B / 2 outs K - Cooper pops out to right 0/1/0/1 Gators 6-0
Man on 1B / 1 out B/Kc/F/F/Ks - Giberti goes down swinging
No one on / 1 out Kc - Rickheim singles up the middle. 2B got there but not enough time to make the play.
Top of the 3rd Kc - Feller grounds out to short
Man on 1B / 2 outs Ks/B/F/B - Shelton picked off 1B 4/3/0/0 Gators 6-0
Man on 1B / 1 out Lawson pops out to 3B
Man on 1B / 0 outs B/F/F/B - Donay pops out to short
No one on / 0 outs F/Kc - Shelton singles to shallow left
Pond full of Gators / 0 outs B/B - Boser with the GRAND SLAM Earl isn’t doing that 5.40 ERA any favors
Men on 1B & 2B / 0 outs B/F/Kc/B/B/B - Nadeau walks
Man on 1B / 0 outs Kc - Yost singles thru left gap
Bottom of the 2nd Ks/Kc/B/B/B/B - Heyman walks
No one on / 2 outs Kc/F - Levin grounds out to 2B. Must be a magnet out there. 0/0/0/0 Gators 2-0