Half time 30-26 Gators
4 fouls on UF 2 on bama
8-0 run for UF
6-0 run for UF
Time out bama 6:46 in 2nd 20-15 Gators
Warren with a 3
At 7:59 in the 2nd 15-15
End of 1st 13-14 bama
Back to back 3s by bama puts them ahead 13-14 bama
6-0 run by UF
Media time out 4:54 in the 1st 7-6 Gators
McGill with a 3
1 of 2 FTs made by McGill
A 2nd foul called on bama
Made 1 of 2 FTs
Foul called on bama
1st foul is on Kyle
Reynolds scores our 1st basket
Alabama Starting Lineup POS # NAME Class GP PPG RPG APG G 3 Barker,Sarah Ashlee 25 17.3 6.2 3.8 G 14 Green,Zaay 30 15.8 5.1 4.6 G 22...
Florida Starting Lineup POS # NAME Class GP PPG RPG APG G 13 Reynolds,Laila 27 10.5 3.5 2.5 G 20 Warren,Jeriah 31 11.8 4.6 1.7 G 23 McGill,Liv 31...