Cleaning up on the glass makes all the difference.
Chinny was going to check in but can't now because Handy going to the line. Need to get some better defense in there down in the post.
Do we have to worry about Tommy going pro after this season? My goodness he has turned into a monster.
What is Tommy doing?! No regard for human life!
Heart skipped a beat on that rebound by Micah landing on one leg.
Great D on that possession. Need more of that. Keep getting stops.
Klavzar the assassin!
Great play out of the TO.
Will be hard for Handlogtem to play better than Chinny has. Rebounding, scoring, hitting his free throws and little jumpers. He's possessed today.
1 point lead (once they take the 2 points off the board for LSU)
Haugh is a very good interior passer.
Chinny gets lost on pick and rolls sometimes.
It happens. Lots of time left, though. Guys just need to stay confident and take good shots.
This is what I am hoping for. LSU starts jacking up threes and not hitting them, we get long rebounds and get out and run.
Can only hope LSU cools off from 3.
We'll find out how bad this team wants to win this game in the first 5 minutes of the second half. I wonder if Condon could go? Golden probaby...
He did. But the lead was down to 3 at that point. Should have called it when it got to single digits.
You usually expect some guys to be off but everyone is off. When that happens, you have to D up to stay in the game until you can get on track. We...
We need to grab a couple quarts of oil from autozone during halftime. Did I just see premature echompulation?