By the way, early reports on this one that the plane might have landed on the taxiway potentially. Video seems to make that very plausible. [MEDIA]
They have backed themselves into a corner to where they have to fight it now, or they are going to get sued out the back side, lose funding, lose...
I was taking about Scottsdale specifically. I was saying that after two accidents (that seem to be very much unrelated however tragic) everything...
Looks like these were private planes, crashes among private planes are pretty common. Over 400 people die a year from them, Alaska alone (because...
This announcer thinks Odessa is an hour south of Tampa and that Jason Williams was on our title teams. He’s making as many errors as the bulls are.
The fifth inning stunk, but it worked out well that Ava had to come in and pitch some innings. She got to close it out and get yesterday out of...
I would bet that beam rotation is our lowest single rotation score in the Jenny era. Just crazy how bad it was, only one score over 9.75, no...
He should hear them, but they also have a very (understandably) myopic view. Boos was 32-62 in his one stint as a head coach at Ball State. And...
I still pop in from time to time, but try to avoid anything Trump related, or national politics generally. My last true political post was around...
Most they’ve ever scored in an SEC game.
Ironically, it was still kinda the Vikings that got him. The French attack came from Normandy, the area settled by the Vikings, and called...
Agree, my post was more to the tone of the email, the lack of planning or prep etc. It’s been a common theme this week. I know you are in the gvt...
They still need the right coach. Ask Alabama with Mike Shula, USC with a Kiffin, LSU with Curly Halman, Kentucky with Billy Gillespie, etc etc....
When companies do it, it’s generally targeted so that they can control the impact and maximize the benefit. It’s also done respectfully with some...
Been going on for years, leaked Fed minutes to Chinese spies posing as students. Ex-senior Federal Reserve advisor charged with economic...
Well the men are down 3 of their top swimmers. One transferred out with no explanation, one took the semester off to train for worlds, and I...
It’s in the path of several major airports, we literally had a plane crash yesterday with dozens dead where visual verify failed in a busy...
Reagan offered roughly 12 percent raises on average, more OT pay, shift differential pay, better working conditions etc, and they turned it down...
Reagan was no prince about it, but that strike was the dumbest, worst calculated, worst timed strike in the history of US labor. This is an...