They won't. The Egyptians hate them and want nothing to do with them. One of those inconvenient truths the media - and dumbass MAGA - choose to...
He said as much in his press conference. ". . . I mean. . . why would the want to go back?"
How about ZERO!!!
More like Beirut 2.0. Just wait. That is, if the bleating idiot actually does it. Like most things MAGA, it's probably just blather solely...
Yeah, but this is so outlandish and ridiculous that those would pale in comparison. Cool. US Troops in GAZA! What could go wrong? I love how the...
Thanks for admitting what we all know, that MAGA's only motivation is to "wind up libs." Nice to have documentation of your moronic depravity.
Like all things MAGA, purely symbolic.
I think it's the precursors. As I understand it, those are actually shipped to the US, then cross the border to the fentanyl labs, then back again...
No worries. It's our baby now.
That's great. You have a good nite now.
That's what I mean. That money was already there and being offered (or due them due to use of NIL), but they were being denied, unfairly according...
A bridge too far? The NIL money was already there, but they couldn't take it? Meanwhile there was no salary structure in place in college. My best...
What pro option do they have? USFL (or whatever the hell it's called today)? You may be right, but I have a hard time believing this isn't a...
BOOM! This too!!! We're already seeing a little bit of this with guys staying for NIL money over lower round picks.
NFL rule mandating that players be at least 3 years removed from High School, backed by the NCAA. Cynical rule sold as "caring about the kid's...
I don't really care what the NFL wants or what's good for the NFL, and the NCAA and it's member institutions would have done well to take a...
Or that F$U has ever been "self sustaining". Pretty sure we all helped pay for their stadium.
You KNEW F$U would be driving the train on this.
I've only been saying this for 30 years. You could see this coming decades ago.
Definitely more of an Arab Gulf State move, IMO, than Socialist. Typical MAGA hypocrisy.