Deporting millions of thugs and their drugs, is improving the country, not about pissing off the Left (conversely, opening up the borders was...
It's coming to an end, but your in time to catch the vestiges of it, and the clean up after party. :cool:
TDS is a disease. A mental illness. There is faaaarrr greater diversity amongst the coalition of Trump supporters (ppl who voted for him),...
So now y'all want to let the past be... 91 indictments, 34 convictions, POTUS heist, incarceration, an assassination attempt, 8+ years of...
Lol! Wtf....
He's easy enough to ignore without putting him on ignore. He hardly rates anyone, and usually only engages when engaged (so if you don't want to...
Scientific proof positive evidence that it never existed! I hereby nominate you for the Nobel Peace prize for science!!
What burden? There's nothing to prove by science to a guy who seemingly rejects science, but demands scientific evidence to prove up shit he...
Science! I demand scientific evidence of your science based claim! :monkey:
You're the biggest tin foil hatter around. Viruses don't exist, covid a hoax... Fyi: at least 2 of those 8-10 covid deaths i mentioned b4--ppl i...
I'd call that an extra Judicial analysis, but your point is taken, in that if we can pound your ass into submission for daring to entertain the...
9 Trillion Dollars for nothing under Doh! Biden means a lot of extra dollars chasing the same (or less, due to bird flu n such) product = less...
Actually it's mostly factual. It's a fair statement of the rule, he simply failed to allow for exceptions--but they are in essence, implicit, as...
Go at @g8orbill! :);):cool:
It ain't conservatives busting into tranny bedrooms... it's tranny's trying to go public with their bedroom doings, especially aiming it at our...
Atta boy...own your love for communism! Wear your disdain for all things murican loud and proud... let your commie pink colors shine forth in all...
Yeah...we've been there plenty. So pardon us as we enjoy the ever loving hell out of y'all's misery. :cool: ...nothing personal....
Garsh darn it... looks like it's on to the next Trumpgasm......
Jeffrey Epstein: Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton named in court files ...if there were an incriminating syllable in those recs about Trump, it...