I don’t think that explains too much. Look at the favorability disparity between Congress as a whole and the individual senators and...
Posting blatant falsehoods is “the truth?” Nah, some crap is too stupid to take the time to address point by point.
Are there drugs involved before you post? Or should there be?
Of course it’s not mutually exclusive to say it wasn’t developed as a biological weapon and for there to be an accidental release. Both are...
I get it from bottle/can return in my state. I think it accumulates quicker than spare change. Before I go on a trip I’ll pull $100 for tipping...
He had a little over two years since the Epstein and Maxwell cases were ongoing but good point. He should have released them.
It’s not pointless; that’s how they have to qualify their findings: low, medium, and high confidence. DOE was low, CIA low, DNI low, and FBI medium.
It is priced into the goods or services if management has any kind of business acumen.
I wonder what it will take to have a high level of confidence?
2022 SPR release was due to price increases caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We produce more oil today than we ever have in our history....
So someone convicted of murder that is appealing their conviction for years on end is not a “criminal” until they have exhausted the appeal process?
Our system was set up with a series of checks and balances. I don’t see why there shouldn’t be a level of independence within agencies despite...
There was introspection but not by Trump. This is the result of meticulous planning by others such as those behind Project 2025.
One of my brothers works for Alaska. I should ask him if he’s heard about their plane deliveries (as another 100% Boeing airline). Last week he...
Who untied their son? Should probably look into them if they have him on a tether.
So she says people are allowed to clear debris on their own land and Trump interrupts her to say individuals should be able to clear their own...
I don’t know how women work in DC period. An ex-girlfriend worked there one summer and the hitting on and propositioning just riding the train in...
My belief is that there are simply too many powerful people from all political persuasions on those lists that put pressure on keeping them...
Gator or not I can’t stand that guy. Such a mealy mouthed weasel.