That's just LIFE! You live in a fantasy world. One many of us believed possible during the halcyon years of the Post WWII era, but one that...
We are not doing a damn thing anyone else wouldn't be doing in our situation. Frankly, most would be far worse with the same power. World's about...
Again with the self flagellating bullshit. Aww, we're so oppressive. I'm sure China or Russia (or anybody for that matter) would be so much kinder...
Kill or be killed. The rest of the world isn't full of nice guys.
So is BDS. So hilarious you people try to deny it.
I thought (at Publix) it was the same thing as the uncooked birds. . . just cooked. I remember times when ours had uncooked and cooked for the...
Exactly. Like this won't be manipulated to screw consumers.
Pop-Pom Waving? It's what sycophants do, and no movement in American (probably Western) history is more sycophantic than MAGA. In other words,...
The cognitive dissonance - or maybe they simply don't care about anything - is amazing with these people. I can't imagine being so reactionary...
So, normal size? As opposed to some genetically engineered one that's the size of a turkey?
Neck and neck between Mississippi and Alabama in the race to the bottom.
And you're reduced to deflection. Typically pathetic.
As we see with China/TicTok, Trump is malleable. Especially when there are $$$$ on the table. I'm taking a wait and see approach with Ukraine as...
Trump's no worry. He's bought and paid for by China/TicTok. Just sign the check and the policy is yours. There you go liberals, the solution is as...
I just noticed the Abraham/Brahma thing for the first time. That's crazy! That's a really interesting connection I never noticed.
But there was no evidence to back those claims up. This is on Social Media and there is more and more every day. And it 'ain't good! Go look at...
Zuck and his investors love you! Such a compliant sheep.
That's what generates $$$ so that's what you'll get, whether you like it or not. Hey, someone's got to look out for poor Zuck and his quarterly...
Yeah, but investors are killing it, so. . . .
Better (healthier) than people in "civilization" according to some studies, I'm told. More exercise, more varied and fresher diet and actual free...