Yes, to continue bending to the will of the CIA (with its then so-called "rogue agents") and to continue defending the FBI (which destroyed,...
Or like the GOP's Josh Hawley gave a big thumbs up to the J6 mob, then ran for his life when they got into the building.
I thought it had already tried.
At last we will actually see the written orders, like "Make sure you eliminate Oswald before he leaves the building. We don't want to have to...
I spent some time in the pool hall when I was a kid. I never hallucinated or became aggressive as a kid, but I was behind the eight ball a lot.
Really? Who won the popular vote in the last election? It must have been because he's orange.
Or "misinformation" for short.
I imagine journalism schools will eventually need to change their name to digitalism schools or something like that.
Evidence for God includes whose prayers he answers. For example, think of all the Southern Californians who pray in vain that their homes won't...
He's going to rename the Constitution "Suggestions."
Yep, CNN has had the market covered on shit.
Wrong. Anti-social media.
Smartphone use leads to hallucinations, detachment from reality, aggression in teens as young as 13: Study Smartphone use leads to...
I recommend the Associated Press website. The AP used to be trustworthy, I assume it still is. Unless Musk or Bezos has bought it....
I'll be going to Publix Sunday morning. Can't wait to see how far the price of eggs has dropped.
Which is more important? The Constitution or the price of eggs?
And he blames his creatures for everything wrong with his creation. It's everyone else's fault, he has done nothing wrong. Say, maybe Donald...
20 years from now they'll be expecting Donald Trump to rise from the dead and return to establish his kingdom. He'll be wearing a MAMA hat. "Make...
From “The Evolutionary Tales: Rhyme and Reason on Creation/Evolution,” p. 103: Does this imply design? "Well, yes and no," Said the Philosopher....
My favorite version of creation involves the Egyptian god Atum, who created the universe by masturbating. I suppose this could be called the Big...