Not disputing that the sports participation issue is one needing resolution. But how does that become a blanket denial that transgender people...
Ah, there's that word PRETENDING again. And "ungrateful for being made a man". Just a bit judgey are we? I keep forgetting. Our world view...
There are some sicko sentiments lurking in this thread. Transgender persons have distinct biological differences, particularly in the brain...
It looks like g8torbill is starting another useless thread ...
Capone only killed selected people. Trump has the unfortunate potential to kill us all.
My mother, a college-educated woman married to a less than stellar man, successfully forged a career and raised productive well-adjusted children...
Do people really believe that suppressing women's advancement in society benefits ANYONE? Regardless of one's political views, Yenor's statement...
No better dog than my Pitahoula (Catahoula x Pit). Adventurous, athletic, smart, family and pack-oriented, great with all people (except a-holes)...
The eulogy is widely available on the internet - major media sites, YouTube, etc.. You DO use the internet, don't you?! And, by the way, "I...
Why not? Not the least bit curious? So funny. You won't view the event I reference (it might make you temper your opinion a bit if you're...
Vax- So if I had just stated that today Biden competently gave a 10 minute reading, from notes with no prompter, in front of hundreds of people,...
Vax, why the Come On Man?
Did ANYONE on this thread, who are so convinced of Biden's total decline, happen to see him eulogize Jimmy Carter today at Washington Cathedral ??...
Interesting thread, but some thoughts: It is my observation (locally at least) that many people knowingly upsized vehicles in the last 5 years....
America has always been multicultural, from its very inception. Try studying the history of St. Augustine or New Orleans as examples. Learning...
And let's hope the next admin doesn't cause stagflation -- you know, the thing that is caused by big supply shocks (tariffs for example) and easy...
For the hundred millionth time: Straight-up analyses of voting by strictly measuring Reps vs Dems tell us very little, especially when omitting...
What are you talking about? Harris' schedule: Fri 11/1 Milwaukee WI Sat 11/2 Charlotte, NC Atlanta, GA Sun 11/3 E...
You are. "The left" did not riot on Jan 6; did not threaten my coworkers during Covid; did not force you to follow a failed and flawed leader....
Subliminal lyrics in these Richard Marx songs perhaps: Dance With My Father (with Luther Vandross), or This I Promise You (NSync).