And that ball's still going. . . . Way to completely knock it out of the park!
Except this is a recent occurrence for the US (post 2008) and we have a large millennial generation to get us through the next 20-30 years AND,...
I know, right? So much to see with all those closed doors on all those stalls. Just a perv's free-for-all, right? Nevermind the pervy lesbians who...
Gotta love how she leaves out the corporate grind/climb from this equation, given that it's the singular reason most women wait to have kids....
Projection. MAGA's too stupid to even grasp this kind of thinking. Again, MAGA is just a drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans. They just...
You can only ride the Woke Wagon for so long. But they'll continue to beat that dead horse too.
Different scenario. Sark was brought in literally because of his performance as an OC at Bama. Billy's offense still lags well behind Sark, IMO.
He's their Spurrier. And yes, the troll factor was definitely in play. But this is also low-rent stuff SOS wouldn't have engaged in. He'd rather...
This is a testament to how stupid fans are.
There is a delicious irony between his screen name and what you just did to him here. LOL!
Depends on your definition of "believe what they say". Does that mean buy the narrative they're selling (as most are just PR outlets for one of...
"Interesting" is one word for it. Personally, I'm going with unhinged. Or maybe just ret...ed. Imagine making the argument that "fact checking"...
I'm sure MAGA will be much more polite when they ask for their boot licking.
They definitely laid the foundation. Kochs play both sides too. And a lot of others. Its the smart play in an openly pay-to-play system.
That said, the refusal to call out obvious poaching like Lia Thomas is what allows them to sell this trope. Anyone with a brain could see what was...
When you consider that this trope was a big part of them getting elected, yes. It's going to be interesting to see what new bogeyman they create...
And when the D's get back in power, he'll flip again. The guy is a spineless jellyfish of a human being.
Sorry loser. Never getting me back. Will say a little prayer every day for the complete and utter destruction of FB and Zucc.
Nice trope. Spoken like someone who's never lived there or who does and is reading some Chamber of Commerce flier. I have. All 3 counties are...
Let's hope so. I don't want that worthless, carpetbagging POS anywhere near our senate seat given how hard it is to get them out once they're in...