And one day, your parents (should they still be alive). And one day, hopefully you and your spouse too will start collecting. My father helped pay...
Really? Here's an inflation calculator. That $300 in 1962 would be equivalent of $3,134 in today's dollars. The 1990 contribution of $6,360 is...
Now, take the numbers and account for inflation. $1 in 1960 is worth about $10.50 in today's money. That's about the time my father started...
What laws specifically? Fraud happens, but at such a low rate, it's inconsequential. Several studies have shown fraud rates to be about 1 in...
From my understanding, the $9 fee is driving in Manhattan only. And you can still visit NYC, drive there, and avoid said fee. We spent a week in...
By the way, one major export of Denmark is pharmaceuticals, including Ozempic, made by Novo Nordisk. Raising tariffs on Denmark would make our...
So, you are admitting there was no fraud in Arizona in 2020. So same question about Georgia. If the Ds were successful in 2020 committing fraud,...
Can you please explain why and how the Ds pulled off election fraud in Arizona in 2020, when Rs controlled major state elected positions. But they...
Look to their family? 11% of people are already at or below poverty line. The average SS check is about $2,000 a month. How many more would be at...
Social Security is a safety net program. Before SS, about 50% of elderly died penniless, and 80% of the elderly population lived at or below the...
Incumbents usually have an advantage in elections. 2024, the opposite was true. If you include Trump's victory, challengers won 40 of 54 elections...
Overreaction to a virus that quickly became a top 3 cause of death? That's funny. And just simply isolate the elderly and those with serious...
It's obvious this crowd just wanted to shake Pence's hand and thank him for four years. Have a nice cup of tea with Nancy Pelosi and maybe invite...
So the Trump mob would've just exchanged pleasantries with Pelosi, Pence, and the others, and peacefully leave so they could go about their...
We're already producing record oil domestically. How much more can we truly drill and refine? And what stops OPEC from reducing the amount they...
So. What would've happened had the mob reached Pence and Pelosi? They would've had tea and crumpets together and talk about the Constitution?
I'll ask again. Hypothetically, what happens if the Jan 6 mob had reached Pence, Pelosi, and the other politicians. Is there a peaceful transfer...
Failure of an insurrection doesn't mean it wasn't an insurrection attempt. There have been more failed insurrections that successful ones...
Best dog we ever had was a rottie/shep mix. Other than being large, about 110 pounds, he fits the description. Would bark like crazy at the door,...
My post was edited. There aren't trillions of jobs. But there are trillions in dollars that would be lost if all undocumented immigrants were...