Unless they wear a ton of orange spray paint and makeup?
^ Wondering if this post will get a lot of 'funny' ratings, like any mention of Trump's multiple sexual assault allegations, and guilty...
It's fun to see supporters of an individual who knowingly accepted help in an election from Russia......opine, without being able to cite factual...
Maybe you should go ask the states, who individually tallied up the ballots cast in the Presidential elections that they oversaw and certified?...
You seem to have a pretty incorrect view on what happened during covid. Such as that the vaccines helped cause the spread. Or that lockdowns or...
You probably need to rethink this. Trump was (later admittedly) lying to the US public a mere two weeks after the first case hit. When we had 11...
Trump had a pretty good idea early on. He just chose to lie to the American public. Repeatedly. Because he didn't care if people died, he was...
^ Votes for a felon and an admitted and adjudicated sexual assaulter, the only POTUS in US history to attempt to criminally deny the peaceful...
The states that certified their state-run balloting proved it. The failed lawsuits filed by Trump further proved it. The abortive investigations...
Oh no you don't, little buddy!! You don't get to tell that lie......even if you mix it into some collection of other opinions or information, or...
Exactly. There's no rationality to any of it. They voted for a felon, after all. The only "logic" to it is...... "Trump!!"
That's cool! Now you can add your traitor inciting an attack on the US government to your legitimate reasons! :)
No doubt. "Look at him just watch while all those cops get beaten!! He's not doing anything! I love him - he's such a ...... patriot!! Gather...
Decent suggestions. But perhaps they can truly capture the essence of the Trump Era, and maybe erect a statue of the Trump supporter who...
You people are patriots. Or is it "hostages"?[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I think that, because Trump won the election, we're all supposed to lie and pretend that he didn't instigate an attack on the United States, which...
Oh. Do you think this is likely?
The circular (non) debate continues to be as childish as it has been for the 8+ years that Trump's been telling his lies. Right now we're in the...
It's probably rational to assume this is a typo that should be "millions." That said, might you be that rare (nonexistent?) Trump supporter who...