All of my life my #1 choice has always been boneless ribeye. Then I had my open heart surgery and my heart Dr said “You’re going to do what you’re...
Tonight I’m grilling filet mignons, medium rare of course, with baked potatoes and fresh petite butter beans. Brown ‘n serve rolls on the side....
In the summer of 1969 I got to see Don Sutton for the Dodgers go up against the Braves-for a RHP his curveball was what I’ve always heard referred...
Tonight we’re having chicken’n’rice and grilled cheese sandwiches. I got a bottle of Knob Creek 9yr old 120* for Christmas that I’m going to...
In 1970 I got to see Rico Carty playing with the Braves. If memory serves me right he won the NL batting title that year. The ball would leave his...
I also remember getting to see a RHP for the Braves, Ron Reed- a 6’8” pitcher that did a complete cartwheel between the mound and the first base...
Absolutely—I just never got to see him live.
Baz- I’ve used them before but truthfully it was somewhat of a labored process. At this point I have enough arthritis in my hands I just use the...
Wow—I remember Norm Charlton when he was with the Cincinnati Reds.
Even though I saw Koufax several times on TV, Carlton was my longtime favorite LHP. These two and Randy Johnson are my all time favorite lefties.
I got to see two games in Atlanta in 1967. First I saw the Houston Astros Larry Dierker beat the Braves and then over later in the summer I got to...
Tonight we’re having fried cubed pork, fresh yellow squash & onions, and julienne potatoes. I must say our night after Christmas supper at Ably’s...
Wishing for you a speedy recovery.
We will again attack our leftovers for supper tonight. There is plenty to choose from and any choice will be quite good. I got a bottle of Knob...
While I watched him countless times on TV during his career I only got to see Nolan Ryan once live. That was in the summer of 1970 when he was...
I also got to see Bill Singer, RHP for the Dodgers in 1968 as well. He was as good as anyone for a couple of seasons but unfortunately like a lot...
I’m going to have to start with 1968-the St. Louis Cardinals Bob Gibson had a phenomenal season. I got to see him live in Atlanta vs the Braves....
Tonight Alan and Abbey are grilling for Ms. Jan’s birthday! I know that our supper will include grilled steak, pasta , and some top shelf bourbon....
We all are closing the kitchen and taking the night off from meal prep. We are meeting at Ably’s Chinese Restaurant and everyone will have their...
Tonight it’s leftovers for supper, and there’s plenty to choose from. Merry Christmas to all of you! Life is good in Gator Nation!