Sucker born every minute
bunch of RINOS I'm sure :rolleyes:
Horrific when any child is abused. The perps need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You might if the underage girl he plowed was your daughter.
Wants to expand the empire. When's the parade?
These places had names before Europeans showed up. Ditch the "new" names and go back to the original names. It's not whitney, it's toomangoyah....
Some pedophiles get away with it. Lock him up!
Childish bleating of a wanna be emperor
Ut forgot that UF owns osu not them.
An 8 win season, a four game win streak after that rough start. Great recovery by the coaches and players! Tough schedule next year, but this team...
Ending the season on a positive note! Great mo for next season. Go Gators!
38 to 20 Gators
Not holding my breath on that last part either. He will skate.
That said,, those state charges are dead in the water. Georgia is not putting a sitting potus on trial.
Rome 2.0 same shit different millenia
Yes. Had a long layover on the way to Nepal, so took advantage of the airside hotel for a place to catch a nap and chill. Also had a Singapore...
No kidding. There are many things the original states consented to that have changed over time. Are you in favor of reversing those for the sake...
I was impressed by the size and amenities of the Changi airport in Singapore. That thing is huge.
of course the pigs voted themselves a pay raise, it is what they do. Wish I had that option.
spending you like or that benefits you: necessary spending you don't like or does not direclty benefit you: pork next Of course there is waste,...