The report on SCOTUS prepared by the majority (Dem) of the Senate Judiciary Committee is out. Will make zero difference. In this day and age of...
If trump did it, then yes.
Right. A local government voting on a local issue. No rights violated. No one hurt. Dont see the issue.
Well by definition most of us are average and fit within the big part of the bell curve of human intelligence.
A biographer of Musk has revealed disturbing facets of the man that not many are aware of. A very long read but revealing read about this...
Well, he bought it. Can you blame him for wanting to play with it?
How much longer before the sumbitch is gone?
Gaetz vowing to go scorched earth and release names of all congressmen who dipped into the house slush fund to payoff sexual harassment cases....
Denmark wanted too much. Its the art of the deal.
Couldn’t post the announcement he made of it on Truth. Like so much of his nonsense, cant really tell if he is serious.
Canada as the 51st state. From his post on truth: No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year? Makes no...
Ukraine’s defense of their home has been so stout it caused the Assad regime in Syria to fall. Incredible really.
Here it comes ….. the report from the House Ethics Committee. It took a secret vote. House Ethics Committee to release report on its Matt Gaetz...
Very unAmerican. Chilling. New Rules: news organizations are not allowed to disagree with trump despite 1A, polls are to always show trump in a...
Everything is connected. Einstein called QM spooky. I’m reading the book An End to Upside Down Thinking that discusses QM a little bit. So far i...
More french ahead. ABC agreed to say that they regret the statement- not that it was wrong or in error.
Yep. Business decision - integrity weighs very little apparently. They probably well remember what a governor did to Disney World just for daring...
Hmmm, not sure what that law does but i purchased a pistol 2 months ago here in NC and had a background check run. In fact, there was a delay put...
I know from life experience that some (maybe small) segment of the student population in a Christian school are there due to trouble they have...
Yeah, this is laughable. I’m just a poor country hick but the suit represents a position that is flagrantly un-Constitutional to me. 1st amendment...