I think you got it bass akwards.
What's more interesting is you coming on here with a post totally unsupported by any evidence, all the while completely ignoring the far worse...
I was shocked ABC settled, and for so much.
"Not one scintilla"? LOL. Nothing like going through life with such bias that one can't see the evidence. I wonder why it triggered you to write...
I remember my father telling me 70+ years ago, when I was a wee lad, that there is a strong strain of anti-intellectualism that has run through...
Bill's and other members of the MAGA Cult must have ignored their parents' admonition, "USE YOUR BRAIN!". It's sad seeing a fellow member of our...
FactChecking Trump's 'Meet the Press' Interview - FactCheck.org Long (of course). By one of the most reliable fact-checking websites, at Univ of...
Come on, man, you know this thread is about "the least among us". What has a man worth $400+ BILLION done to help those people? Perhaps he has,...
Holy cow there, Caray! I wonder if he does anything worthwhile with it, or can. After all, most of that wealth is on paper.
Agree! But, surprisingly, you got a disagree. Was there an explanation for it? (I ignore that poster.) I can't imagine what the basis for it would be
Unbelievable. When you're worth north of $200 billion, you can pretty much say and do what you want, especially when you gave millions to Trump's...
And prices, together with immigration, were supposedly deciding issues in the election. Anyone who paid attention knew the former is beyond a...
The Democratic party is out of touch with middle America, to be sure. It's missing a charismatic leader who resonates across the ideological...
I'm never going to question the results of a fair election. Indeed, immediately afterwards, I posted that Trump won, and that the will of the...
How'd you guess?
You'd think that would be especially true of those who, like me, were in the military and constantly reminded to respect the Constitution and to...
Dumbest Post of the Year. Congratulations.
They may "think" that, but not only is there no reliable evidence to support that accusation, it points to a highly partisan road filled with...
I'm assuming yours is a serious question. To begin with, Barr made misleading public statements, and more than one federal judge sharply...
Damn, man, does it not bother you that a PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be making such threats? You excuse him because, 'well, he's not...