How about a rolling pardon that covers the person of interest up to the present in perpetuity? That's what I want.
No conviction? Hell, there haven't even been any charges.
How can you pardon somebody who hasn't even been charged with anything?
You mean owning FSU and Georgia, SEC championships, national championships, and Heisman trophies? Yeah, me too. I'd miss Beth Mowins if that's...
Dave, Dave, and Dave.
It could still be personal. Hit men have families, too.
Joe Biden does not care who he pisses off at this point. He probably has a goal of doubling the economic damage he has already done before leaving.
Hopefully it's investigational because the effect raises many questions.
When does recruiting season start in Orlando?
Not really. We just refer to what the left buys as lies and bullshit.
Rhett was an all-weather running back, too. Remember how he did on that muddy Gator Bowl field in '93? Never slipped and fell once, except to...
Half an hour of Walter Cronkite a day was enough for me.
It is the truth. The addle-brained, diaper loading old coot self-destructed. And that is undeniably the best Biden ever.
You know what I say about the postgame activities on the field. Screw them. I'm so sick of watching them dance around with that gator head when...
Let's just say I'm glad ol' Bobby isn't on the sideline tonight.
Hope he has 179 after this possession.
Man, is it great to see the line making holes you can drive a truck through again! YEAH!
They saved it for overtime.
Looked like Michigan was trying to plant their flag at midfield. It was an entertaining overtime.