If I have to be anything right now, I'd rather be a Democrat. Again, this is her speaking. Stone cold sober. Trump's inability to speak clearly...
That was an interesting response. Did you start this thread to not have anyone respond?
Tell me you've never listened to her speak without telling me you've never listened to her speak. Why can't you guys move on? You supposedly won....
I would vote for a dried up radish that was sitting in the corner of my kitchen for the past three months over djt. The excitement and the money...
He never left the news cycle! :emoji_laughing:
Bluke ---- stop stalking.
And make some reform for Congress's benefits like paying for insurance.
But it's on topic for her topic, which even though some said it was misleading, was still her topic. Maybe it is what she thought it was and just...
CNN has done more in a week than the state of FL has in 5 years. I wonder why?
I thought it was about a teen pregnancy.o_O
My apologies. I go by avatars and thought 92gator was yours.
Charter schools are good imho because they are still public schools, with all the requirements that go with that, but offer curicula that are...
One was a woman who may have been in denial of her husband's indiscretions, misguidedly defending him, and another is covering up for her boy...
I thought this thread was about kids?
There ARE some non maga republicans!! Let's all celebrate!
How can it be off topic, when it IS the topic?
A lot of us weren't paying attention apparently.
They ruined that school. People loved it. Yes, it was a LIBERAL arts school, but Duhsatan wanted to show power over a libbie school to get rid of...