Would you feel this way if you weren't reimbursed? What if you couldn't have afforded some of the treatments and you lost your wife and/or baby?...
Target pistol? Like, for competitions? I have no clue either.
I'm sorry, but using the term "fascist" to describe something that even a lot of rich, tax-moaning Trump voters love (Medicare) is a clear signal...
You're the one selling the point. I'm not spending the next 2.5 hours looking that up. I just tried Google and every story is tainted by leftist...
Cool. Kill them too! Right?
So, people have been fired because a liberal poster on GC called them - or suggested they are - racist? Hmm. That's a new one.
I want to see a statement of what they make on gender swapping based drugs. You said it's billions. Let's see it. You don't get to count sales of...
"But Mom!!! Kim Kardasian did it! And everyone else is getting nose jobs!!! Waaa!!!!!" "Okay dear".
I want to see numbers. Yeah, Big Pharma sucks, but I'm sure they're making a lot more - and are more focused on - Viagra and Cialis sales. Or...
Sure. Because life - and the world in general - is just that simple and binary. Whew! I feel so much better now!
Yawn. You lost me at "fascism".
IDK. Look at Scott. The guy is the worst candidate ever and yet is still there. D's in Florida have nothing to offer, so it would be a lifetime...
Look up the details on that, in particular Michael Lewis' new book on him. All that money was paid back, most with profits. Apparently there was a...
Does it really matter? They try to play the race game as much as D's. Come on man, you know better than this. The people you mentioned are...
Yeah. Saw that.
To quote Chris Rock: "I don't condone it. . . but I UNDERSTAND!"
I have, multiple times. "Commie". "Lib" "Groomer" (on threads related to these). See these all the time from the pinheads. In fact, their posts...
It would be nice to at least have the discussion. We have Medicare already in place. We fund it with 1.4% payroll deduction (matched by employer)...
If you have a service plan (insurance), you would. Or, at least you'd expect to be compensated after the fact. Also, a heart attack and faulty...