Dude looks like how Boomhaur sounds…
I’m going to reply to both of you here. There’s a massive, massive difference between adversity and serious mental health complications. Does...
It's not a mental disorder. Gender Dysphoria is, but that's a feeling of identity outside of one's gender. Engaging in conversion treatments,...
"We guys" have support from metadata. You have anecdotes, fear, and quite an impressive persecution complex. "The game" is that we want people to...
....only prepetuating (at best) exaggerations about vulnerable groups has plenty of evidence that it's tied to increased violence. People who...
I think Dooku is a good avatar for you. You're convinced you're doing God's work while helping to perpetuate great evil. I'm sorry. These sort of...
OP: Perhaps instead of projecting one awful incident on the entire trans community because of your own bigotry, we look at data: Trans people are...
Let me ask again since it seems to be ignored via long diatribes: If a cis-gendered couple happens to be on a Bud Light can, is that political?...
Bud Light has, in the past, used people's images, for marketing. One recent example is the Notorious BIG. Conservatives didn't suddenly accuse...
Curious. If Bud Light had an advertisment showing a cis-gendered married couple on their can, would that be "playing politics?"
I'm so tired of this as well. Those of us with mental health disorders are constantly labeled as "dangerous" or more likely to engage in this...
I was ignoring Kid Rock when tractor rap and nu metal were setting the stage for future vape bros, truck nuts, and Monster energy drinks back in...
Of all the fundie flex posts I've read on this site, this is one of the most peculiar. Imma respond to each point as it deserves. Note: I don't...