All these ifs, ifs, ifs…remember my observation; GC isn’t real. X isn’t real. YouTube isn’t real. Fan opinions are not real. Sold out Swamps,...
I could not care less what Dan Mullen thinks or says.
If you have ESPN+ the whole game is there now.
Rewatching on ESPN +.
Confirmation bias: QED It’s a foolish question, IMO. Both things can be true, plus one can inspire another - and more likely that the defense...
Lissentome- I live here. I know how much they hate us. This is huge. I have had so many Vol fans tell me how hard they were pulling for us today....
I am deeply hopeful this is correct. Now it makes it important to pick the RIGHT OC. Which Gator fans will dissect and dismiss / argue over all...
Good one. HK looking good! :-0
I'll go first: I think when we ignore the opinions of people we disagree with (civility assumed) then we end up in the exact situation we decry...
I see a team trending in the right direction...not a straight line but a trend line. Combined with players that seem to care deeply about their...
"90,000 voices on Saturday: No voice on Sunday." That is the way it should be!
I feel old when I hear people talk about games I watched/experienced as if they are from the leather-helmet days. It was Tennessee, it was at...
Preach, brother. We were chanting IGTBAFG as we walked down the ramp out of the East (student) stands after every home game in 1979 0-10-1. I want...
…but if 8-5 were to happen, the gripers and back-biters will find something else to attack the program. I been on the bandwagon since 1978 - ain’t...
Thanks, pjb. Tends to reinforce my earlier point that GC posters and GC in general is NOT representative of a fan base, and the media magnify...
Hopefully not while the mortar round was "splash - over" in-bound. LOL. And disagree RE Woodland. Cammies or OG107 Jungles / slash pockets were...
Some of us would like the impressions of people that were in The Swamp rather than watching it on telly.
I live in Knoxville. I don’t like being around happy Vols.