What network employs this loser? He's straight up embarrassing.
May as well. What else is there to do in Aubarn?
They do seem to take much better angles to the ball, and show up en masse, and at speed. So fun to watch them now. And as we saw last week...
They only reason anyone posts on this thread is to tell you that you are full of it.
Yes!!!! I despaired after the Miami and ATM games, because our D played so poorly. Figured our season was wrecked. Boy have they ever turned...
OOF!!! Gumps can't even score a TD! How sweet it is!! Life isn't so good in Gump land now that everyone can pay. No wonder Saban packed up...
Very Princessly of him.
How drunk do you have to be to name your kid Princely? Life probably hasn't been easy for the boy.
Do you know how many decades I have waited to see the Gumps finally get jobbed by refs? It is so delightful.
And I am sure we will see stranger things in your upcoming posts.
He's not the savior.
Yeah, exactly.
Cares about the University. Cares about his teammates.
Pfftt.. now we trust the media? And their arse reporting? I'm just a person that believes that people do things for a reason. Unless they are...
That is what makes a running QB so valuable.
I think you answered the question.
But.. this is a thing. Games are advertised as "sellouts" just because all the tickets have been sold. Yet many with tickets don't show up....
Hers, or yours?
No one cares what you think. What do you think you are accomplishing with these ridiculous posts? If you had any juice with our athletic...
His TD against LSU is so fun to watch, because the LSU defense was so discombobulated on that play and you could see it on their faces. Great...