Off topic, but I read his "Foreign Policy for the Working Class". I was told this was some great piece of thinking, but all it is is word salad...
Just sayin'. They needed everything from the start. The time to take ground was in those months after the failed initial invasion. They were never...
Nah, it was the "deep state". Keep rolling with that.
Shhh. Don't bust up his MAGA fantasy. You know what happens when the kids find out Santa Claus isn't real.
Should have been done in March of 2022!!!
It's less than 20%.
Thanks for the heads up. Dumped FB about a year ago when I realized they were just going to keep feeding me inflammatory crap even when I made a...
Stay Classy!!!
The MIC? When did you start parroting Communists?
They see Putin as come champion of Anti-Wokeness. He plays that angle in an effort to play them and sew dissention in the US. And the lemmings...
Yes. 100%. Something happened when he was destroying their economy back in the 90s with his "shock treatment". Putin certainly owes him a debt...
He is probably sitting in St Petersburg right now. And not the one next to Tampa.
Agree with most of this outside of the last sentence. Russia is right there with Germany demographically, so this is not a drop in the bucket....
Ah yes, the Russian speakers. Was wondering when we'd get around to that. Sort of like the Poles that attacked that German radio station in 1939?
He also expanded NATO by 2 members. Well played! So much winning it hurts.
If he does, then you know he's compromised. My guess is that Trump will want to be seen as the "winner", which means he'll want both to bend the...
Or theirs.
Wow! I can't think of anything more MAGA than self-driving cars.
Still. . . . I'd love it if he actually did it. Let's all shed a tear for the predatory credit card companies. That said, he isn't going to do it.
You might want to look up the definition of Confession. Or ask one of your FSB partners over a shot of vodka. . . at breakfast no less.