Are those polls using the same polling algo's that the Pollsters use? Because they were off by a large margin the last 3 times Trump has run for...
70% of the trump supporters didn't think the election was illegitimate. When you make up numbers like this you look like a crazy far lefty. Just...
So 70% of trump voters are far right. Got it LOL. Like I said, you seem a little unhinged this morning. I voted for neither of these 2 idiots...
You lost me at "all" his supporters. Who's saying the right isn't a bunch of whiners? Plus, it's not applicable today at all. The left up until...
Yeah, but to be that off isn't just an outlier, it should make that pollster reexamine their whole process.
It's over man. Just accept it and move on. That's the only truth that you seem to be avoiding. The people spoke, and Harris was beaten soundly....
I wonder if his credible source was the hilarious Iowa poll? If so that was a disaster to bet a lot of money on...
Here's the thing, I and others have been saying this for a while and you and a lot of the left ignored it and tried to say the economy is doing...
Thank you for being honorable and paying up. Appreciate it.
Sent you my Venmo info. Please send over $100 when you can. Thanks
No, they saw the Report from 2 doctors who said Khelif is a male. It would be easy to prove false. All Khelif has to do is show that report that...
And here we have our resident Antisemite Rashida Tlaib accusing Israel of bombing a hospital when(shocked face) it was Hamas. Man, who could've...
So we have 2 doctors saying Khelif is a male. They know. Now we all know. You can keep thinking they are wrong, but I'll choose to believe the...
LOL. You blamed the source. So we have 2 expert endocrinologists saying Khelif is a biological male. And you keep trying to dispute it. Too...
No line on Sat morning in Seminole County.
Ah, the ol' I don't like the information so let's attack the source routine. Bold move Cotton... Now, back to reality, that person is a man....
Oh, so you think they are lying. Got it. Why lie and say you haven't seen the medical data when it would open you up to huge lawsuits?
Now you are making me hope trump wins. I kid, sort of...
Looks like Reduxx Mag has seen the medical reports. Male. [MEDIA]
I don't have a side in this election and frankly don't give a rip who wins. Think we are F'ed either way. And I predict there to be riots if...