Imagine being this clueless.
This idea of going back to the spoils system is just beyond ridiculous. Not sure which is worse. This, or blanket tariffs.
Is this real? Does he honestly think he can negotiate with N. Korea and that they can be trusted to honor the deal? Ditto for Russia?
Very minimal. I'm thinking most got it out of the way in the morning (I voted just after noon).
What other choice do we have? One of these people is going to win and we're all going to have to wake up on Wednesday and get on with our lives.
Who says that another doesn't just step up? Hitler wasn't the only person in Germany - or Europe for that matter - who thought like that. P.S....
Absolutely. There may be some court cases, but if the decisions go Trump's way, they'll step aside. They're going to cry and whine like hell, but...
Best take on the thread. Not saying it's true, but it definitely makes you think.
No question that MAGA is the most emotionally-based political movement in my lifetime (57 years). Literally everything is some emotional screed...
If Harris wins, you're the poster child for why.
Our political system is literally becoming boys vs. girls.
Along with HR's need to busybody. ;)
I'm thinking DEI compliance officers. That's apparently a degree/course path now. Because, you know, a typical HR degree just isn't enough. :rolleyes:
Feels like they need to be broken up. Military division. Space Division. Commercial Division. All separate companies. Also, did anyone really...
The house/facility I saw in the few videos I watched looked top notch. And he's stated he was working on the paperwork. Again, if feeding the...
The story is well documented. If that was the case , then apply the law. But none of what you suggested was the case. The guy ran an animal rescue...
Maybe this. . . then a pardon. A la Nixon.
I'm the farthest thing from a MAGAt and I'm am really, really pissed off about this. Stupid. Completely unnecessary. And, honestly, lends credence...
Again, this is clearly a unique situation and smarter heads should have prevailed. There's really no arguing that. That's why the law exists, so...
I was thinking about the person who called in the complaint. . . and REAL drawing and quartering. Or breaking on the wheel. Either works for me.