Not pro life, pro control. All about power and control.
hashtag dogwhistle.
His worshippers love it.
Glad it was stopped before it got even worse. Zero excuse for this shit
Vote for the orange god or else. They must so proud of exemplifing our founding principles.
Own it gop, you uncorked and enabled this.
Modern day brownshirts.
So the gop alternative to the aca is to strip millions from having any coverage at all and setting up millions for medically driven bankruptcy....
Darwin awards
Lock him up
Off topic with a prediction? Get a life
Heart: 26 to 21 Gators Head: a valiant effort falls short 37 to 20
Yes, how dare anyone take issue with the things their orange god has said and done.
Yet peeps vote for these a holes anywa6, against their own interests.
St.Simons Island
Nothing to lose. Give em our best shot and see what happens. We had this pegged as an L since summer.
Not holding my breath.