Crapper Top is far worse to hear 100 times in a game because they play it after a score. So that's a really bad game, unless they are playing UGA....
With due credit the SoCo I was drinking on Saturday for that one. I already blamed it for most of what I said that day, can't have it both ways.
Watch for flying airboats!
Agreed, that really pops. Better than Heupeless anyways.
Can someone make a forum dedicated to UGAly arrests? "UGAly Mugs" maybe?
Two things: 1) We had better pray that thing stays on its track or to the south. If it ticks north Tampa Bay could load up with water or worse,...
Especially if I wasn't a ref, but an anonymous official in a review booth somewhere. The ref on the field got it right ... [IMG]
Bama looks like it needs a few years to rebuild after Saban
I don't suppose you own a Mac? If you do, the Notes app is much easier to manage and search if you are logged into the same iCloud account with it.
Seriously. I think Biden means well. But he should have kept his mouth shut in front of the cameras. He just declared hitting the nuclear...
Yet visiting teams strike the band and blast during "I won't back down".
Your counterclockwise bay is going to get hammered eventually. I live on the west side of Escambia Bay and Ivan in '04 hit "just right" to pack...
I voted gauntlet. I just can't see us going interim before UGA. That, and we will be (and may be having now) buyout negotiations, in which time...
Eh, that part of this slump is better now imho. You don't see a lot of bandwagon Gators rocking gear these days.
Georgia Southern.
Gators 31 Aggheads 19 Mertz lights it up! Go Gators.
I remember hearing some Bekins movers talking about how to skin and clean a rabbit when I was younger. As soon as we loaded up and hit the road,...
Illegal aliens. [IMG]
What a bonehead question by Finnebaum, asking if SOS was behind "the coup to overthrow Billy Napier". Interesting tidbit though. Granted, at...
Lagway is banged up. Mertz is banged up. The OL is almost certainly getting a reshuffle. Start Warner, and leave him in until the OL settles...