Full list of Republicans who voted against FEMA funding before Helene hit
It doesn’t help that lunatics closely tied to trump are handing out advice like this. As a reminder she is trump’s special “friend” and was, for a...
The area has been devastated, people have left their homes and left the area. Its easy to understand why outsiders are not being let in so that...
Republican state senator in NC says the Feds are all over the plazce providing help and knock off the conspiracy theories. [MEDIA]
Obviously “they” are keeping the ability to control the weather out of Republican hands. MTG with another gem: [MEDIA]
Draino is wrong as he often is. Peter’s son was a Seal and died in a parachuting accident in NJ. To be a Gold Star parent one’s child has to die...
Shoot, I may be wrong. Says here that the rumor that FEMA is withholding aid to red state areas is completely bogus. These are just the Governors...
I can see your point. I, however, dug it.
Yep, and i’ve read on Twitter that they are checking voter registrations before offering aid. No helicopter rides for conservatives
Luckovitch again [MEDIA]
Must admit I didn’t see this one coming. Getting stupid in my dotage. The Oklahoma school boss who listed requirements for the Bible that he is...
Will be interesting to read how this is portrayed in the RW twittersphere.
She’s a rock star.
Considering her age ~ 68 or so, that is a tough sentence.
I haven’t heard that but have read numerous tweets that the response is slow so that people will abandon their lithium-rich land in NC so that...
The judge took seriously her crime of allowing unauthorized people to monkey around with voting data in CO and subsequent lies. Listening to the...
That means the price will increase and even fewer cars in these parts will be able to retain their catalytic converters
Her writing about her support of Choice could just be one of those GOP silent whistles where the GOP male lawmaker prohibits or bans something...
Drip, drip, drip [MEDIA]