Princely seems to play harder with Old Miss, he was lazy as a Gator.
We may not score at all vs UK’s defense.
Stoops’ teams can play defense. Really makes our defense looks bad.
Both teams have much better DTs vs ours.
And we all thought defense couldn’t get worse since 4 years ago!
Nice one. Now I have difficulty imagining anything else when our defense takes the field.
Our defense has been “offensive” for 5 seasons running now. I believe it’s all about effort, we have the talent but these guys haven’t been trying...
Yes, I spent one summer drinking beers and eating hot dogs out at those “view reserved” seats at Oakland A Stadium on a student budget visiting SF...
On paper yes but I wouldn’t hold my breath with Sun Belt Billy calling the shots.
He wants UF job bad….
Badly needed his contribution
One of the safeties shouldn’t have been playing
If we get embarrassed by UCF like Miami game, BN will be gone.
We need a new starting safety badly, should just start a freshman, can’t be worse.
Worse than USF, damn!
We have two now, just like OL.
We beat out UK and FSU!
Have you ever seen BN aggressive play-calling at anything? He plays safe all the times.
All we need is a Senior Executive Head Coach, Senior Defensive Coordinator!