Most of the aid we "send" to Ukraine is spent on wreapons made in America. With approximately 8 million undocumented in our workforce, what do you...
There is a better way. Allow those wanting to work to come in legally and be screened with a background check. Don't allow those with a criminal...
Trafalgar poll October, 2020 for Arizona. They got Trump's support with leans close, but missed Biden's final number by 3 points. [IMG]
In any large group of people, there will be crime and "bad apples." But in general, immigrants commit less crime than citizens of the US. So, it...
The border can't be 100% secure without spending billions upon billions more than we are already spending. But want to make things better? Support...
Housing values may not fall, but with reduced interest rates, housing will become more affordable. There will also be more houses come on the...
538 has them ranked 107 out of the 292 they use. So top of the middle third. Not great, but not one of the worst either.
Harris is making gains among Hispanic voters in AZ and GA. In Arizona, where Hispanics are 25% of the electorate, Harris is +34, and rising. Still...
Yes. Again, Arizona releases first numbers from the early ballots at 8:00 PM, which is 10:00 PM Eastern, as election day is after Daylight Savings...
Latest Bloomberg poll has Harris winning in six swing states, including PA, NV, and AZ, where the poll has Harris +3. Most of the polls are within...
Arizona has been a leader in mail-in ballots. I've been on the PERL (Permanent Early Ballot List) for years. Means by ballots are automatically...
VA said it. The orthodox Jews are lining up behind Trump. But they only make up a small portion of the Jewish population. The more reformed Jews...
What is interesting in these polls is the favorability rating, which favors Harris. It strongly suggests that the remaining undecideds, if they...
That's an older poll. The one I posted is more recent. And yes, there are likely pockets of Jews in places like New York that are starting to lean...
The polls tell a different story. Current polls show 72% for Harris, which is 5% higher than what Biden received in 2020.
I'm not the coward avoiding answering questions. I'm also the one bringing receipts about school closures. You're too funny!
Biden/Harris is doing such an awful job with record stock markets, crime rates back down to where they were at the start of the Trump admin,...
Following data that clearly showed that closing schools saved lives is batshit crazy! I'm happy to have an honest conversation. But honest...
We can argue if the school closures, which did reduce the incidence of COVID in the community, was worth the loss of education for kids in another...
It's an opinion piece from the Arizona Republic (Phoenix) newspaper, but it's making a lot of same points I have been making. Don't call Arizona...