This is not even competitive...we have major issues with passing and serving and now stucky is not playing
This team starts way too slow to give away so many freebies
Why do we serve so bad?
Watching Hutson on the sidelines is alarming. She does not raise her right arm at all, period. She really doesn't even use it. No high fives on...
I would contend pretty much all of our so called non revenue or low revenue sports fuction this way. Does anyone know what's going on with the...
3 more service errors and was aced 6 more than they were...18 point swing in a match we lost by a total of around 16 points. This game at it's...
Also, doesn't it seem like we are doing the power dink more than we ever have? At almost every hitting position that type of contact is more...
Once again this lineup offers no back row attack. The blocks are either not well aligned/closed or the back row is not rotating correctly with the...
Just don't understand why changes are never made when things are going poorly and at times even sloppy. Zero reason why a DS should be in the game...
Any predictions on how much batting we can expect out of our pitchers? Seems like we have another strong hitting pitcher in this class. I have...
Seems like we could add sports with actual fields of play easier for practice and fan attendance. How would a row program work in Gainesville in...
Kira hutson TikTok post of her and stucky...says unfortunately we are still not cleared to is it neither is cleared yet we are...
Where did all these silly two hand pushes come from? Roll shot, tip shot, off speed....but this is something that seems to be a point of emphasis
The fact that Kennedy is not even in the gym can't be good....right?
This is going to be a really horrible fall sports season
We have the worst luck with injuries of any team I can think of....
Not sure what it's gonna take to get a middle attack ..even on good passes it's been pretty predictable
Still can't believe when I look at the roster and see 6 defensive specialists...I felt the first set today flowed well with 6 rotation outsides...
Texas tech starting out that high ?