Also: am greatly enjoying watching supporters of a criminal who tried to take the Constitutional right to vote away from 10s of millions through a...
"Mommy, daddy...why did those other kids at school all get slaughtered, and why do we all have to practice hiding in school from a bad man witha...
You don't get to just say this so many times that it becomes true. The only place you and yours are victims is in your own victimy minds....
We're a nation of Philistines. Last month, I had to walk past a sign every day at the beach that said "This household is voting for the felon."...
Can't say the debate was a total loss. Many people saw the unvarnished truth they conceivably could have been lacking that Trump is a completely...
Silly. But those people weren't lying. There's the tiniest chance of that. It very well could happen. It's just patently obvious that it's...
To the majority of people in our country, it's not that he is contributing a decisive opinion - because they are intelligent enough to know that...
Never know when you'll need to stand guard at the top of the stairs with your AR-15. It could be the neighbors drunk teenager stumbled into the...
No, sorry. The approximately 10 million undocumented immigrants in the USA comprise a labor force that the country needs, and both sides of the...
Get your shinebox, Sport.
You really should structure your next contract to get paid per post for anything inflation related. Hourly can still work for everything else,...
Nah. Also, how are you on "Stop the Steal"? Did Trump really win? Or did he "lose by a whisker"? Are those J6 traitors really hostages? Or...
Most of that is pretty accurate. But you are citing someone who wants to play victim. Notice that "terrorist" and/or "terrorism" is not...
Yes, that's interesting and ironic. But let's not digress; racist scumbags like Trump and Vance have no business being in politics, promoting...
Very little? "Grab 'em by the ^%$#@ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Also; 'THEY'RE EATING THE DOGS! tHEY'RE EATING THE CATS!"
True, true, lie. You should consider caring about America more than you care about your checkbook.
Definitely. And the specific reason was that he and his rapey running mate were pi$$ed that all the dogs were being eaten....because they wanted...
Honestly....why? Why? Why come here to lie? Thats just such an absurd thing to say that I created a rhyme for you. I'll probably be back with...