To be fair, I think the only two army national military cemeteries (and thus the only two that specific reg applies to) are Arlington and Soldiers...
While they’re calling it “federal law,” as best as I can tell from a quick look (with the caveat that I’m not an expert in army cemetery laws...
Yeah, this one seems like a missed layup to me. He’s the Governor who wrote chapters in his book about how his own experience playing in the LLWS...
Now we just have to see if the Trump campaign can avoid the urge to throw someone’s shoe! ;)
It’s generally consideration rather than necessarily getting more compensation. And, in many states, the initial job offer (if they have to sign...
Out of curiosity, what about Kinzinger do you find particularly conservative (for whatever having a hardcore liberal extol the virtues of someone...
What about the ending of the Olympics led you to this epiphany? Because, with the caveat that I didn’t pay a huge amount of attention to the last...
To be fair, it may just be that you don’t know what his beer pong partner was supposed to be dressed up as. I’m relatively certain that somewhere...
Yes, but she has the endorsement of a British lady who can’t even vote in US elections and is most famous for being on an Iggy Azalea single a...
Nearly by definition anyone receiving tips is going to be in a service industry. Seems to me the real abuse you would need to watch out for would...
Glad the school district seemingly has more sense than the Legislature and Governor, but they’re likely putting themself at substantial litigation...
As written, quite possibly. It’s a poorly written statute. The chief defense against that would be the canon of interpretation that says you...
I think the fragment you quoted is actually the one that potentially changes the meaning of the sentence when read out of context. Read as a...
The plain text of the statute arguably does (depends on how you apply the rules of statutory construction). It says: “The products must be...
Neither would Kamala ;)
I mean, neither was Pol Pot, but I definitely wouldn’t want him as president.
Fair, and I could have worded my criticism better - what I was trying to point out was the absurdity of their fact check having an obviously false...
He ran for Congress in a 2006 election and didn’t file paperwork to enter the race until February of 2005. No one knows when he filed his...
Sure thing: [MEDIA] (I’ll also note that the article you linked had it wrong for the entire day yesterday, they “corrected” it only after RCP ran...
I had no idea! He supervised my econometrics honors thesis and was one of the best undergrad profs I ever had.