Yep. Hard to imagine a worse candidate. Cant believe he isnt losing by more. I see the Robinson for Governor yard signs in my neighborhood and...
This is just wrong. Hope the person that released these and his boss and his boss’s all get sued personally (no state defense lawyers involved).
And we have none on the west end. I have to drive a long way to find a gentleman’s club.
So many close ties to Russia. One day i hope we all learn what trump and putin had planned for the world. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice...
Yeah, maybe. But it comes out on the very day he was exposed as receiving $100K/week for promoting Russian propaganda and claiming that he is...
Maybe the quickest 180 in modern times - the Russian mouthpiece who once said Ukraine is an enemy of the US now says whoops, i got exposed and now...
The technology and techniques have improved so much from the last election when that 2000 Mules guy almost caught us. Will be easy this time.
Genius businessman misses projection by 99.9%. His cult wants him to run a country like he runs his business. [MEDIA]
Harris will beat trump and America will win. No time to become complacent though - vote early and often and keep stuffing the drop boxes as...
America will win - so says election guru Lichtman. Harris will beat Trump, says election prediction legend Allan Lichtman The results are in,...
That whole thing with Tucker Carlson in Russia lauding it for its cleanliness and grocery stores was unusual. Or maybe not. As it turns out that...
No problem there. I have shot a whopping lot of deer, mostly work related, and used a bolt-action for every one. If one practices a bit, is...
Skripals must have been eating bad seafood off their doorway. Very likely Skripals poisoned from front door of Salisbury home, police say...
Even The Blaze is chagrined [MEDIA]
I don’t dide with the Communists nor the autocratic despots of the planet which is why i know Putin is bad news globally. You should go try Russia...
Likely dependent on 40 times.
That would probably take some doing. Hogs are an exotic and administratively considered livestock in FL and in GA (i think). Open season year...
There are an estimated 400 million guns in the US. If guns are truly the problem then logic would tell you there would be more mass shootings in...
I just ask myself, what would Robert Barnes think?
The most unAmerican, anti American post i’ve seen on TH. Ever. Disgusting. May we start a GoFundMe for your relocation expenses? Then you can have...