Yeah we’ve been doing this for decades. lol
Wait, isn’t securing borders a maga wet dream?
Armed gangs in Denver? I thought it was nothing but weed, snowboards and Subarus over there.
This sounds like a great idea. I hope he makes it happen.
Let’s be honest, prior to Uber, every weekend you were rolling the dice on a DUI.
I’m here, but I stopped consuming political content years ago. The last convention speech I watched was Obama 08. It’s a waste of time.
They are so weird.
Don’t blame him. These weirdos disqualify themselves. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was ‘when you have already won, stop talking’.
Rick, I think you’ve been hacked.
I liked the OP better when he was pretending to be dead.
I’ve been saying for months. People didn’t magically forget what a POS Trump is. And if they did, the DNC has plenty of video, and plenty of money...
If you are on full ride in men’s swimming at a school like UF then yes you are elite. I have no idea if he was on a full scholarship at Penn, but...
Thomas was a mediocre male swimmer. 1000 yds is not swam in Div 1. So he had a top 10 time in an event that nobody good swims. I don’t think he...
These people are weird.
Sure, but we all know this wouldn’t have happened if Trump was president.
She didn’t know she was a man yet. When she found her Y chromosome, it was lights out.
How about aberrations getting knocked up?
What goal posts am I moving? I’m asking you to help me find them. If they have a vagina, look like women, have legally been women their whole...
Of course you do libby!!
Why so defensive doc? You seem to be an expert on this area so asking a clarifying question. Some XYs have given birth. Do I get them flowers, or...