Some years have been worse than others with the open container enforcement. I remember when parking was allowed just off Mowry next to the band...
Yes, there is that. I think it was Beamers’s work ethic and high energy level that Drew Spurrier to him. I think it’s safe to say he hasn’t...
That struck a cord with me too. Spurrier wasn’t known for gushing over opposing coaches simply because he didn’t live within “coachspeak”...
Webb 8 yard run
I have a white Gator tee shirt and I’ll wear it but I’d rather wear blue. Never been a fan of “white or black outs”.
Nice article. Thanks for posting.
This may sound weird but, staying home watching a big game makes me extremely nervous. It even carries over for the first few series of the game....
Haven’t heard that expression in years. We used it a lot in my high school days but, you aren’t as old as I am, Wanne.
“We have met the enemy and it is us”. Pogo
Agreed. And another factor that should be considered when evaluating CBN’s tenure is the fact that he stepped into a mess when the landscape of...
[ATTACH] During our open date last year we made the trip to Morgantown and saw WVa play Oklahoma State. My wife grew up in Pittsburgh but her...
Michigan has 90 days to respond/appeal. Then, of course, NCAA will deliberate another round before decision is made on penalties. Won’t have...
Praying for your full recovery, Dawg. Looks like you have the gift of caring family to help you through your ordeal.
I gots me a feelin WVa gonna beat Penn State.
Gators break away in late 3rd qtr. 31-20
Florida Eastern Michigan Notre Dame Arizona State West Virginia
Nice post. But as much as I’d like to see 6-6 for Tallacrappie U, their cream puff schedule will probably get them more wins. That said, teams...
Right! Darn good thing for them they have the schedule they do!
I’m so happy I’m going to celebrate. Hopefully this is the prelude to a great season
This is the kind of game you want Jordan Travis at QB if your a Criminole. Don’t think Uggawhatever has it. Hope I’m right