What a dumbass lol
Brainworms gonna brainworm
exactly this. She’s not the anti-Christ. Sign me up.
The fact that Def Lepard was able to continue as a band with a one armed drummer kinda speaks to the quality of their musicianship.
She’d almost certainly lose if she weren’t running against a felon rapist traitor. But here we are.
Says the guy voting for a rapist.
I saw a truck with trucknuts and an RFK sticker at the gym yesterday. So Trump will get at least one more vote from this.
But you matter Rick! I don’t care what people say about you. You’re a big bright shining star.
There is so much to unpack in this photo. Between the weird sculpture to the way dude-bro is holding his hands. So much cringe in one shot.
Well if it isn't Welchy McWelcherson. Where ya been?
My father in law worked for Stryker for about a decade before he retired. Great company. Enjoy Waxahatchee! Saw them earlier this year and...
More importantly Trump had 2 years when the GOP controlled everything. House, senate, presidency and courts. They only passed tax cuts for rich...
I, for one, cannot wait for President Harris! God Bless America!
What a moron. Have fun in jail!
OP is a big pharma shill too. So predictable.
Spot on. They are like two drunk meatheads at a bar that can’t stop beating the shit out of each other despite being separated multiple times.
Yes because Trump heeds advice. Lmao
This is a winning strategy for the morons. Their only shot is to focus on policy but they just can’t help themselves. Racists gonna racist.