I would argue it's NOT about hormone levels. For instance, I see a clear difference here vs. what Lia Thomas did, which was essentially a 16yo...
The devil is always in the details (see: Abortion). Which is why the MAGA fools run from details like scalded dogs. Always purely emotional and...
So, what now? Hormone tests for all athletes prior to approval for competition? Or is that only if they "look a little off". If that's the case,...
Someone gets it!
That was the argument. Not sure where you got the "buy the CBS song" angle, but just thought I'd clarify it for you. Maybe go revisit the thread,...
If it's Luke Combs singing Petty instead of Petty singing Petty, I stand by my original argument.
You'd be right in that assumption. However, even at 18yo, I didn't want to hear Hank Jr's version of "Hey Jude" (and I love Hank Jr.).
Sounds like a perfect day. Great story!
So, go with multiple-Grammy-winning original over the fake-ass New-Country loser. But I get it, gotta please the Gomer Bama and UGa fans.
Well, it's Petty. . . sung by some gomer new-Country loser. So, not sure what to think.
...and yet... here YOU are.... :monkey: Yep. Here we are. Making fun of the retarded kids again.
The whole country huh? Who knew?
It's a form of mental masturbation. They post shit like tampon vending machines in boys restrooms because it makes them feel good. As you...
How about literally carrying the FSB's water?
Winner. It's hilarious. All they had to do was remove the cadaver from the campaign and the MAGA fools all eat their young. Kamala literally...
:cool: You and 5 other MAGA morons care. Swing voters could give a rip. So, please, keep leaning into this absurd line of attack.
Doesn't fit "the narrative".
It's just a mindless pejorative for them. They couldn't articulate the difference between Smith and Marx if you put a gun to their heads.
Except for the polling. That looks "quite" different. Needless to say, we won't be seeing numbers like Nixon in 1972. . . . unless it's Harris.
Reagan numbers dude. At one point, polling 20pts ahead of Biden and double digits over every possible D contender. Probably pulls 85% of...