From his Marine public affairs unit? Burn! Both served honorably. One left with the rank of corporal while the other as command sergeant major....
Wallz was given a heads up that all or some of his battalion may deploy within the next two years at the time of his campaign announcement....
[MEDIA] Starts at the 3:30 mark in the video. Seems @Gatorrick22 may have propagated misinformation, again on Walz's 1st Amendment threats....
[MEDIA] Adds some color to Walz's involvement in the tampons in "boys'" bathroom. Take from it what you will.
[MEDIA] This and other documents/timelines have debunked the service attacks on Walz. The propaganda has been shared by the likes of @vegasfox....
So your position is the presumptive presidential nominee and her VP selection are following around the GOP's VP selection? Extraordinary claims...
Are you implying a politician challenging free speech rights is unfit for governing?
Oh jeez. Just stop.
Billions wasted?? Doubling down, I see. You keep harping on the fact alternative program structures exist. But you seem unwilling to consider...
I invested in it years ago for reasons I cannot recall :D. It just sits quietly in the far corner of my buy-and-hold portfolio.
@l_boy is referring to therapeutic abortions. Do you have any non-anecdotal data on the frequency of 8+ month elective abortions?
Nice catch. Thanks!
Bullshit. The program costs 250 million a year. How can it therefore result in billions of dollars of waste per year. Lunacy. There are social...
I make up for it with my ability to spell.
[MEDIA] I apologize in advance.
You heard from a guy that heard from a guy. Cool! I'd appreciate more concrete evidence beyond hearsay. Can you provide verified reports or...
Pete too
In debates where tempers ignite, Two candidates bicker and fight, The crowd, with delight, Seeks spectacle's bright, Caring not for the votes...
Anyone else think it's telling that one of trump's responses to the upswell of Harris support is to intentionally misspell her first name. That is...
Substantiate. edit: substantiate - provide evidence to support or prove the truth of