It's been good brother. Retiring in my 50s was the smartest thing I ever did. Still have the health to go ahead and do crazy mountain bike rides...
If you don't mind me asking, what age group are you in? I think the traditional thinking on % stock for aging people is a little low given our...
Man, you guys really do suck at memes. Sorry you had to wait to post this.
Again, English please. Not judging, but are you drunk already?
Like his balance on 2A. I actually think there are a lot of gun owners who aren't ammosexuals, we just aren't squawking all the time. “As a...
Well Shapiro seemed angry and hurt. ;)
Military retirement gets the same COLA annually that SS gets. That retirement and my HD stock made all the difference in the world. Also, tricare...
Thanks. I gave a lot to the Navy and they gave a lot back including a three year "tour" at the University of Florida.
I don't see the need for tampons in a boys bathroom, but I also don't see it is a big deal. My wife is obviously more in touch with these things....
I missed it where he said the Marine was a hero. Conveniently forgot the details or just that uninformed?
I'm 60 and still am pretty heavy in stocks, Maybe 70% with the rest in bonds and a little cash. Turns out I overestimated our retirement spend and...
A 14k swing doesn't really say anything, percentage would have provided more info.
More resources to enforce the laws you say are not being enforced. Didn't McConnell author the bill. So your stance was that McConnell...
But I'm sure Okee started a pro biden thread when the dow hit 40,000 for the first time ever.
Same reason trump worked to kill the immigration bill. While a strong stock market and better border security are wins for the country, if it...
For Maga, if you aren't an absolute a-hole, you are woke. They consider basic human decency as woke.
I've never really seen her interview, she seems like a very sweet person.
I would have guessed women's. I don't follow soccer but it seems the women have fared better than the men. I could be wrong.
As a republican, no way I would ever vote for trump. There was a slight chance in 2016 before his character really started to come out, but once...