LOL. See the post following yours here.
No foreign wars under Trump.... Fauci is responsible for Trump's covid grotesquery.... tax cuts = spending cuts.... LOL, coercing Zelensky was...
Gonna strongly disagree with you here. I'll give him YUGE props for the effectiveness of his troll routine, though; "Hey, I was in a total news...
You're on here shilling for a guy who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Between the fake elector slates, coercion of state...
Definitely! I am also hoping that you are able to add more actual facts to your beliefs! That would be awesome and would improve chances to...
Tell us you know nothing about the judicial system without telling us you know nothing about the judicial system. Thought about rebutting your...
Well if that's the narrative you've contrived, I guess you're free to do so. I have no idea why you're telling your fiction to ME though. So I...
How big of a factor do you think Russia will be in this election? They'll definitely be helping Trump again, right?
Why do you hate glee, Rick?
I'm old enough to remember when the White House was constantly "covering" for Trump by not telling the world about how all he did all day, when...
Man, all you do is lie. Well, occasionally rant and sometimes name call. Then return to lying. Biden "deployed" the criminal justice system in...
I didn't mean to come at you, just for making a joke once. Serious question though: neither you nor I would stoop to calling people names on a...
Your gaslighting is basically no different than lying. So please stop lying. I'll help you by clearing some things up : 1) The violence in NYC...
Precisely. And you didn't even mention their support for the criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Hell, they refer to people who assaulted...
And you are wrong again! Your candidate enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, which included fake elector slates, coercing...
Absurd. Next you will complain about her hair, makeup, fake tan, and numerous spouses? Or something else that you have literally....MADE UP. 1....
He's just a hostage. At least according to the supporters of the lying, convicted felon, serial adulterer, adjudicated and self-admitted sexual...
Yeah, well.....assuming she ends up the nominee..... We'll get to have an election. And many people may or may not like her and/or her policy...
You are really going to degrade yourself by doing that Trumpy name calling thing? I'm guessing you still do Little Marco, Lying Ted and Birdbrain...