United Methodist
Prayer from my church this past Sunday: “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer...
You’re in the weeds on your opposition to others solutions. What is the bigger goal? Also debate the ideas, not the person.
Totally agree. I think we could list every issue and its particular spectrum of solutions. Often, big picture, the goal is the same. It’s just a...
I’ll be curious to see what Lichtman predicts. Meet the Nostradamus of American presidential politics
Remember scripture wasn't written TO you but FOR you. Context in culture, era, and in relation to ALL scripture is important. As pointed out on...
Sodom and Gomorrah were engulfed due to extreme inhospitality and the raping of women and attempted raping of "guests" which was pervasive in that...
Not really other than reading the book about Charlie. While the book is somewhat about investing, it's more about life wisdom. He calls it...
I find the past 5-10 years of Trump support pretty fascinating from a psychology perspective. It reminds me of a section from the book "Poor...
Well you can definitely pinpoint when this game changed directions. Hopefully it changes back our way.
Whoever scheduled that is a colossal jackass. Talk about minimizing crowd. Also for the working folks, it could be potentially mean only being...
If Christians have true interest in spreading their faith, then I suggest they start behaving like Christ. Spreading faith by means of power and...
Idk I'm betting a lot of conservatives are tiring of the dog and pony show. I sure am.
It wouldn't shock me to see Sasse go after the governorship in the next go around.
Judged sports, not my cup of tea…..
Wasn't Lorenz at 1b primarily? I don't dispute she did a good job there defensively, but SS is a whole other thing. There is a reason many...
Re: Lorenz vs Wallace. If you are not incorporating fielding into the comparison, you're doing it wrong. Wallace is the most valuable from that...
The Asians have something sensible going on with the no touch greeting.
Inflation after the supply chain issues of COVID? That's shocking news. Supplier margin grabbing and taking advantage of COVID & international...