I never have thought his motives were political. In my view he very much fits the profile of a school shooter. At an age when significant mental...
I am quite certain she will be forced out. Most Presidents choose a new Director when they assume office. She may not ladt that long. You know...
I agree with a lot he has said. But not everything [MEDIA]
It does have all the earmarks of a communications snafu with a dash of complacency thrown in. That’s my bet until it all gets thrashed out. Also...
Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Ignoring criminality is wrong. You may have been raised differently. Was also once alerted to a Matt Bevins...
This will be appealed to the District court whose decision could be appealed to the SCOTUs who don’t get together again until October and they...
Jack Smith just announced he will appeal Judge Cannon’s ruling with DOJ approval
Good point. USUALLY the pick doesn’t much matter but that one was beyond the pale. I saw Vance in some public appearance a month or so ago and it...
Publicly, he called the Republican presidential candidate an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, he compared him to Adolf Hitler....
It may sway some but i’ve never voted for or against a Presidential candidate because of his VP pick. Zgreed the political ads are ready-made
Agreed. Obviously though there are wobbles in the machine. If he stashed the ladder and gun, it wouldn’t take a great deal of time. Again, I don’t...
Are Either of the JFKs still in the running?
I probably missed it but is it known that he carried the rifle on his walk from the car or maybe he stashed it along with the ladder some days...
Why so?
Would be very surprised it were. She is not nearly obsequious enough and had the temerity to say bad (truthful) things about trump.
He would not have been able to vote in 2020 due to his age. I think he registered in 2022.
Not so sure about that. I think he appeals so as to not let this ruling stand as precedence
The issue as I understand it is that Smith was not a government employee when he was selected and one way of reading the rules for appointing a...
Yep. He didn’t K very often. I wondered as the season went along if he didn’t swing at those pitches because he knew he wasn’t going to get...