I get what you are saying gaterz. Of course we must take history into account. We should also take our own beliefs into account. E.g. It would...
I meant that river could be posting to further his argument in this thread. You give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Why assume only the worst...
I think here lies a causality of our current us vs them mentality. Your posting simply indicates your effort to bolster your argument, but river’s...
You’re right that either the system works, or it doesn’t. And if Trump got elected at this point, I’m actually not sure which one it would be. We...
I realize this feels like a review 1,000 days too late, but we finally watched Oppenheimer. It was fantastic. The acting, the storytelling, the...
Except that it implies that the problem is the actions of Republicans in office which can only be fixed by a later election of Democrats. Once...
My analogy wasn’t meant to be taken literally. What I was trying to convey was the several of the options actually have the result of destroying...
So much good stuff here, Wes. You’ve clearly thought about the problem a lot. I’ll start with your biggest question: how can we tell if a failed...
Oh I agree with this. The claim is that Biden and the left are ignoring China, but I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to be doing to them....
You know, it is funny that each side even has its own separate country that it’s fixated on.
exiled explained very well the issue above, but I’ll do my part with an analogy: You own a china shop and are worried about a bull coming in to...
Very good and depressing article. Bill Barr’s words aptly describe what may be the one constant with Trump: "He will always put his own interest...
Indeed there is never going to be a logically ironclad definition of truth or goodness. I do think you are being a bit hard on scientific facts...
I get your connection to Trump here, but the freedom to offend is a critical freedom. Without it, there can be no freedom of speech.
To be honest, this kind of signaling of tribal superiority is among my least favorite of the modern political trends, but if we accept this is...
As you know, I’m usually quite ready to see good faith on both sides, but I don’t see it here. No business owner is really going to move their...
The question cuts to the heart of the matter: what is the truth and what is just bias? While I don’t see any reason for liberals to be free of...
Yes I know what you mean. This other issue of political indoctrination is I think overblown. Indeed, I can’t think of any examples of professors...
Ha yes, clearly we don’t want to make space for someone claiming climate change is a Chinese hoax. Instead of an identity conservative like Trump,...
The ostensible validity of the claim isn’t a defense against its offensiveness. Picture the same situation with a wealthy person’s house: Mr....